Taking care of your mind, body and spirit.
Welcome to Port Douglas' only Ayurvedic inspired Massage, Bathhouse, Yoga, Barre & Pilates Studios.

WELCOME! a little update!
To ensure a quiet, seamless experience for our clients & students our reception is now located off-site & we no longer accept at door drop-ins or in-person bookings.
Our Studios, Spas & healing spaces will only be accessible to clients & students who have a booking with us.
Please call 4099 5183 or book online to secure your experience with us.
Couples Massage, Beauty Services, Packages & Sento Bathhouse we recommend a booking atleast 3-5 days in advance.
Single Massage, Beauty Services, Packages & Sento Bathhouse we recommend a booking atleast 2-3 days in advance.
Yoga & Pilates Classes require a booking atleast 2 hours in advance.
Visitors always welcome but no at door drop ins permitted without a booking.

Michael Joseph : Founder & Head Teacher
Michael trained with Deepak Chopra & his Team at his centre, The Chopra Centre, to become a Chopra Ayurveda Perfect Health Teacher. Michael is the Head Yoga, Pilates & Aerial Yoga Teacher & Senior Massage Specialist.
Michael oversees the Yoga Program & Deep Massage & Bodywork Experiences at The Deep Retreat.
Michael & his team are all fully qualified Yoga Teachers & Massage Therapists with some specialized in Yoga, Stretch Therapy, Naturopathy & Kahuna Massage

How we work
Healing VS Transactional Relationships
Whilst we do have pricing at The Deep Retreat we are trying to create healing relationships here; not transactional relationships. You are coming to a space that you can call home; in an ideal scenario, you would be contributing to the extent of your capacity to look after this home. Since today we are brought up in a transactional world, a fee structure has been put in place at The Deep Retreat. Please note that this does not in anyway undermine our intention to assist your healing process.
To maintain your healing experience, all treatments require prepayment to avoid transactions before or after your treatment.
You can use a credit/debit card which will be charged at the time of booking to guarantee your booking. See cancellation policy below.
It's important to communicate with your teacher/therapist if you have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions which may impact upon your class/ treatment or if you experience any discomfort during treatment for any reason. Failure to clearly communicate with your teacher/therapist before, during & after your treatment can impact your experience & reimbursements are not given if you don’t communicate clearly.
Relaxed Adventurer? We have got you covered!
Many of our Clients & Yoga Students come to Tropical North Queensland for a sense of Spontaneous Discovery, not just from the beautiful, wild nature around us, but also from within. Our yoga Practices & Massage Retreat services allow this to unfold in a relaxed, easeful way whilst also allowing plenty of time to explore the Great Barrier Reef, Mossman Gorge & Four Mile Beach within the same day with no sense of rush.
We have aligned with EcoTour providers that are sensitive to our clients needs & can be discovered at www.healthyportdouglas.com
In the morning & at the beginning of your stay!
Time & time again we receive feedback from clients about how grateful they are we were available to treat them at the beginning of their stay.
Traditionally according to Ayurvedic Indian Medicine, mornings are best time to have a massage so the any movement you naturally make through walking etc will increase the benefits of massage. It also means it gives you time to go to Mossman Gorge (heaven in the afternoons) or the beach to catch some sun.
We are more than happy to accommodate couples at the same time with advanced notice.
Please note that Massage treatments are performed at the same time in separate rooms.
We work with parents with young children all the time. We have set appointment times with 30 minute breaks between appointments which is more than enough time for parents to get back to their family after their massage so the other parent can then join us.
We ask all clients unsure if massage is appropriate for them to reach out to their doctor BEFORE making a booking with us. We do not provide a list of contraindications as this is best provided by your doctor. We provide a space on our online form to provide information on existing conditions which may influence your treatment. We are more than happy to customise your massage to your needs.
Most of our guests book a Massage with our Sento Bath which extends the whole relaxation experience. Your on holidays so why not?
All our packages are discounted & are available most mornings with advanced booking.